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You're DE Certified! Now What? Cultivating Confidence

Author(s): (OTC), Online Teaching Conference
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Julie Gamberg, Distance Education, Faculty Development Coordinator, Glendale Community College with Co-presenter: Fabiola Torres, Instructor of Ethnic Studies, Glendale College | New DE Faculty can build confidence through cultivating institutional connection, community, hands-on support, as well as streamlined asynchronous learning tools. Shared results of our beta-tested institutional support will showcase two seemingly divergent approaches [will be shared]: (1) High-touch, highly personalized help in the form of an Online Learning Sherpa – a personalized instructional coach, and (2) fully asynchronous, streamlined supportive remediation in online instruction in the form 3-2-1 Go!, a countdown series for faculty planning a new course. Strategies, examples and satisfaction survey results of both approaches will be shared.
