Zefiro Torna

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Claudio Monteverdi's "Zefiro Torna" performed at Cuyamaca College on March 4, 2010 by sopranos Elisabeth Marti and Connie Lawthers, accompanied by Taylor Smith, viola da gamba, and Pat Setzer, lute.

Zephyr returns, and with gentle accents
Makes the air pleasant and melts the grasses in waves,
And, murmuring among the green branches,
Makes the flowers in the field dance to beautiful sound.

Crown Phyllida and Chloris with a garland,
With notes tempered by love and joy,
And from mountains and valleys high and deep
Redouble [echo] harmony in sonorous caverns.

The dawn rises rambling into the heavens and the sun
Scatters rays of shiniest gold, and purest silver,
Like embroidery on the cerulean mantle of Tethys.

Only I, in abandoned and lonely forests,
Passion for two beautiful eyes is my torment;
As my Fate wills it, now I weep, now I sing.

Ottavio Rinuccini (15621621)

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