Winter 2013 ICT Educator Conference - To MOOC or not to MOOC

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"To MOOC or not to MOOC - How Community College ICT Programs Can Leverage new Interaction Models"

Una Daly, Director of Community College Outreach, Open Courseware Consortium
Dr. Preetha Ram, and Emory University
The NY Times declared 2012 the year of the MOOC as the number of institutions jumping on the MOOC bandwagon grew almost weekly. Many MOOC programming and computer science classes have soaring enrollments but large numbers of students do not complete the classes. Lacking effective feedback and course structure, a large percentage of students lose interest or become discouraged.

New models for creating open, online learning communities are being explored to support
students in MOOCs and traditional college classes. These learning communities promote
problem solving, teamwork, and mentoring--all of which contribute to a student's ICT job readiness skills.Find out how open courseware and online learning communities can enhance learning outcomes and employability for students in your ICT programs.