Winter 2013 ICT Educator Conference - Improve Under-represented Student Success

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"Improving Under-represented Student Success with MPICT's ICT Diversity Toolkit"

Olivia Herriford
Associate Director
Mid-Pacific ICT Center (MPICT)
Learn to use MPICT's toolkit for improving the success of underrepresented populations in ICT education.

With 1 in 20 jobs requiring ICT skills and the number of black, latino, and women students in technology education decreasing, we face a trend that has impact beyond the lack of diversity in CTE -- the inability of a growing population to enter this expanding workforce. The MPICT Center, with the support of a diversity community of practice, has built a modular toolkit for use by community college faculty, administrators, and counselors who wish to increase the participation and success of underrepresented students in their ICT courses and programs.

The toolkit starts with support for making the case for taking action and then shares best
practices for assessment and goal setting; recruitment and retention; and curriculum and faculty development. The presentation will include a walkthrough of content examples, highlighting websites, workshops, curriculum, conference presentations, webinars, toolkits, and events.