Winter 2013 ICT Educator Conference - Teaching Cloud Computing Concepts | |
College: Palomar College |
"Teaching Cloud Computing Concepts"
William Saichek
Orange Coast College
The term "The Cloud" has become the term du jour in both the technical and popular literature. As the word cloud implies, the definition is elastic. But, the IT industry wants students who understand what Cloud Computing is and what it can do.
This presentation will discuss how Cloud Computing can be integrated into your networking
curriculum and provide virtualized Cloud Computing hands-on exercises that can be incorporated in classroom environments.
The term "The Cloud" has become the term du jour in both the technical and popular literature. As the word cloud implies, the definition is elastic. But, the IT industry wants students who understand what Cloud Computing is and what it can do.
This presentation will discuss how Cloud Computing can be integrated into your networking
curriculum and provide virtualized Cloud Computing hands-on exercises that can be incorporated in classroom environments. During the session students will access a NetLab environment using a Internet-connected computer and a web-browser (FireFox or IE).